Create form
What is Groupsemble?

Groupsemble is a sign-up-form and group-creating-interface all in one. Here, you can reduce the hassle of spreadsheets and mismatched data! All you need to do is follow 3 simple steps:

  1. Create a signup form with any questions you might need. Don't worry - you can change the questions later! Need to collaborate with others on the groups you're making? Pick a password that you can pass along to them!
  2. Grab the form's signup link and send it to those that you want to collect signups from.
  3. Once you have your signups, it's as simple as dragging and dropping your results into categories or groups of your choice and name. Rearrange as many times as you need to, and once it's perfect...
  4. Share your new groups! Once you're ready to share, export the groups by image, text, or CSV, and pass along the information however you'd like.